Purchase Orders/Contracts

POs, P-Cards, Contracts

District policy requires that a Purchase Order (PO), Contract, or District-Authorized Procurement Card must be used for the purchase of all goods and/or services. To protect your company, make sure you have a Purchase Order, Contract, or authorized credit card number before you proceed with any request or before you supply any goods and/or services to any of the San Diego Community College District employees, campuses, centers, or locations. This policy ensures prompt payment upon completion of services or delivery of merchandise. However, if you provide goods and/or services without a PO, Contract, or an District-Authorized credit card number, you are doing business with the individual who places the order and that individual is personally responsible for any obligations incurred. Only a properly designated Agent of the Board of Trustees, primarily the Purchasing and Contract Services Director, can obligate the district for the purchase of goods and services. Every Purchase Order has general Terms and Conditions. If you have any questions, please call Purchasing and Contract Services at 619-388-6562.


Delivery Locations

Please ship items to the delivery location indicated on the Purchase Order; this specific address is found in the "Delivery" section (top center). Many of the items purchased are requested to be shipped to our Central Distribution Center located at 9315 Hillery Drive, San Diego, CA 92126. For more information, check out "Contact Us" for hours of operation. Sometimes we will indicate on the PO for items to be shipped to one of our campus sites or a special contact person to arrange and accept delivery at a specific time and location. Packing slips should properly reference our PO number. Remember when items are shipped to the proper location, the receiving process flows smoother and payment to you is not delayed.