Museum of Man offering free tour

October 19, 2017 | San Diego Community College District

The Museum of Man invites members of the San Diego community to experience a free guided tour of the exhibition, Race: Are We So Different? 

A group can choose from either of the experiences listed below. Participants will learn about the complex history of race in America and talk openly about how race impacts our lives personally and professionally in both tours.

• Option A: 90-minute guided tour and dialogue on race in the United States. Preparation survey, pre-visit, and post-visit materials included via email.
• Option B: Two hour program including a 90-minute guided tour and dialogue and an extended dialogue session with a specialized professional development focus. These include privilege, micro-aggressions and micro inequalities, implicit bias, and open communication. Preparation survey and pre and post-visit materials included via email.

Funding is available on a first come, first serve basis for groups ages 18 and over to include colleges and universities. This opportunity is made possible by The Nissan Foundation.

For more information contact the Education department at . The Museum of Man is at 1350 El Prado, San Diego.

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