Board Report: November 9, 2023

November 10, 2023 | San Diego Community College District

Special Report to the Public:

Trustee Geysil Arroyo reported that she attended the October 20 housing development groundbreaking at City College and congratulated President Ricky Shabazz on the occasion; a social gathering for Board members and their families at Maria Nieto Senor’s home; and the Board Study Session on November 2 where Vice Chancellor Joel Peterson provided a presentation on the upcoming bond process, and Assemblymember Chris Ward provided a legislative update.

Trustee Mary Graham reported that, along with Trustee Senour, she participated in a November 3 event at City College with student leaders from all four colleges and said that she found the Q&A session with them to be insightful. She also reported that the Chancellor Search Committee has identified three finalists who will be announced by November 13 with the candidates coming to the SDCCD November 27-29 to meet with various District constituencies. Each candidate will have a public forum that will be broadcast and recorded, all to allow for opportunities to provide input to the Board of Trustees prior to its final decision.

Trustee Craig Milgrim reported that earlier in the week the Chancellor Search Subcommittee met and thanked those who are serving on the Search Committee for their enormous time commitment. He also shared that a survey will be distributed in the coming weeks to help assess employee childcare needs so that barriers to employment can be removed.

Trustee Maria Nieto Senour reported that the Accreditation Subcommittee met on November 9 to review the College of Continuing Education self-study; great work is being done at the college and a full report on the progress will be presented to the Board at the December 14 meeting.

Acting Chancellor Gregory Smith reported that 1,046 bills were advanced to Governor Gavin Newsom during the 2023 state legislative session; 890 of which were signed into law. The SDCCD will now focus on funding for the current budget year and 2024 priorities, including ensuring the 8.22% COLA included in the 2023-24 budget is fully funded as well as advocating for a fully-funded COLA in 2024-25, along with the restoration of funds for facilities and classroom maintenance. He said, that based on an executive order for the creation of a state plan for career education, the SDCCD is working with elected officials and community partners to expand funding for career education, connect students with mentorship and paid internship opportunities that lead to permanent employment after they graduate, expand learning-aligned employment program eligibility to include noncredit students, and reframe how the state, local industries, and local community understand the value of the adult and career education programs offered throughout the District.

Acting Chancellor Smith congratulated President Ashanti T. Hands and those involved with the Mesa College campus presentation; and he recognized Dean Shelly Hess for being named a California Mapping Articulated Pathways Initiative Top 10 Champion for her efforts on credit for prior learning. He announced that the Conrad Prebys Foundation awarded the District $250,000 to support student basic needs, and a $50,000 grant from the Molina Family Foundation, which also committed $50,000 last year. Acting Chancellor Smith noted that November 11 was Veterans Day and recognized and thanked all military-connected students, faculty, classified professionals, and administrators; and said the Board would consider a resolution to recognize November as Native American Heritage Month and display the Kumeyaay-Diegueño Nation flag at all SDCCD college and District facilities later in this meeting. He also shared his report with Vice Chancellor Peterson who provided an update on the Police Advisory Committee.

Student Trustee Ixchel Valencia Diaz reported that City College will host a Thanksgiving Club Rush and Night of Thanks on November 15; Mesa College will hold a Thanksgiving feast on November 16 where 500 students will be fed by the Culinary program; Miramar College held a Fall Fest on October 25, and Equity Summit with the California Community Colleges Deputy Chancellor Daisy Gonzales; and that College of Continuing Education organized several cultural celebrations and events in October, and noted that soon after hosting the Vision 2030 summit in October, AB 634 was signed into law, which will align funding for noncredit programs.



At its regular meeting of November 9, 2023, which was conducted in-person, with online participation available, the Board of Trustees:

  • Conducted a campus meeting in a hybrid format with San Diego Mesa College that included a land acknowledgement by Equity & Engagement Librarian Edeama Onwuchekwa Jonah, and welcome remarks from President Ashanti T. Hands, Associated Students President Ixchel Valencia Diaz, Classified Senate Acting President Ayana Woods and Academic Senate President Andrew Hoffman. The campus meeting focused on the theme of Equity in Action – Illuminated Paths, and presentations focused on programs included Small Business Virtual Incubator by Associate Professor Eduardo Landeros and student Wencit Hersh; on FamilyU by Basic Needs Coordinator Johana Aleman and student Alexis Primo; and on Zero Textbook Cost by Collection Development/Open Educational Resources Librarian Lisa Burgert. Presentations focused on places included on Ozone | LRC | Quad by Vice President, Administrative Services Lorenze Legaspi, Dean Ryan Shumaker, Instructional Learning Assistance Coordinator Mark Manasse, and Online Services and Instruction Librarian Alison Gurganus; and on Mesa’s Online Success Team by Professor Katie Palacios. A presentation focused on partnerships by Treobytes, Inc. Executive Director Ava Mason, and student mentors Cory James and Sarai Gomez Huerta; and a presentation focused on people and mental health by Student Health Services Counseling Coordinator Derrick White. Video presentations featured Kussy MacKenzie, Ena Walters, Sumaya Musse, Alexandria Marsh, Diego Corral, Guillermo Camarena, Joyce Diez, Jack Rooney, Frankie Mann, Joe Benedito, Devin Miller, Jasmine Loftin, Amalia Leith-Garcia, Isaiah Nunez, Careth Herron, Marcus Rosser, Gary Watkins, Kayla Sabria, Mackenzee Purnell, Gia Lori Blaylock, Alejandro Valderrama, and Jade Jasmine Bersamina. Closing remarks were provided by President Hands.
  • Heard public comment from City College Academic Senate (AS) President María-José Zeledón-Pérez who highlighted a resolution passed by the AS dealing with the District’s commitment to protecting undocumented students, staff, and their families. The resolution calls for the Board of Trustees to reaffirm the status of SDCCD campuses as sanctuaries in recognition of the establishment of the new bachelor’s degree in Cyber Defense and Analysis. Mesa College AS President Andrew Hoffman reported that the college hosted the Black Excellence Symposium, an exciting event celebrating the accomplishments of students and alumni. He continued that the Kumeyaay flag is flying on campus, that Veterans Week events were held, as well as a Taste of Mesa fundraiser. Miramar College AS President Pablo Martin acknowledged an inspiring flag raising ceremony for Native American Heritage Month and shared a resolution recently passed by the AS calling for reassigned time for faculty equity coordinators. College of Continuing Education AS President Richard Weinroth shared that the college has established a relationship with the USS Midway Museum which provides welding students with the opportunity to get real world experience working aboard, that the college has moved to CCApply for registration, and that Zeledón-Pérez will serve as the Area Representative at the upcoming Academic Senate for California Community Colleges plenary.
  • Adopted revisions to Chapter 2 – Board of Trustees Board Policies, Chapter 3 – General Institution Board Policies, Chapter 4 – Instructional Services Board Policies, Chapter 6 – Business and Financial Services Board Policy, and Chapter 7 – Human Resources Board Policies (first readings 10/19/23).
  • Adopted a resolution recognizing November 2023 as Native American Heritage Month.
  • Established December 14, 2023, as the annual organizational board meeting.
  • Approved new or revised courses and programs following a presentation by Vice Chancellor Susan Topham.
  • Following a presentation by President Hands, authorized Mesa College’s request to apply for authorization from the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges (ACCJC) to offer a bachelor’s degree in Physical Therapist Assistant.
  • Accepted grants from the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office for the Zero Textbook Cost Acceleration Grant Project at Mesa College and for the Equitable Placement and Completion Grant Program at City, Mesa, and Miramar colleges.
  • Accepted grants from the Foundation for Grossmont and Cuyamaca Colleges for the Strong Workforce Program at Miramar College; from ELL Healthcare Pathways for the Healthcare Careers Program at College of Continuing Education, following a presentation from President Tina M. King; and from the California Department of Social Services for child development programs at City, Mesa, and Miramar colleges.
  • Approved a master service agreement between the Research Triangle Institute and Miramar College.
  • Heard a quarterly report of the budgeted expenses to actuals, and approved the 2023-24 First Quarter Financial Report.
  • Approved the use of Sherman Elementary and Herbert Hoover High School as off-campus facilities by College of Continuing Education.
  • Approved a change order for electrical upgrades by Chula Vista Electric at Mesa College and College of Continuing Education’s Educational Cultural Complex
  • Approved the addition of District Office repairs and remodel and City College Science Building upgrades as Propositions S and N projects related to the District colleges’ Strategic Facilities Master Plans.
  • Approved an additional sabbatical leave for the 2024-2025 academic year; and various personnel actionsincluding the certification of short-term personnel service effective on or after November 10, 2023.