Asian American Pacific Islander Grant

February 3, 2023 | San Diego Community College District

In fall 2021, Mesa College was awarded a Asian American and Native American Pacific Islander Serving Institution (AANAPISI) Title III, Part F grant titled "Equity, Empathy, & Excellence: Uplifting and Transforming Campus Culture through a Kapwa Lens" by the United States Department of Education. 

Kapwa Learning Community students join together for a group photo on some stairs
Kapwa Learning Community students join together to celebrate scholarship recipients during a celebration in spring 2022. 

This five-year, $1.5 million grant will ensure services and resources are available to the Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) student population to promote academic success and strengthen institutional capacity.

Mesa College became the first community college in the region to receive the designation. The purpose of AANAPISI designation is to provide Mesa College the opportunity to improve the academic attainment of Asian American Pacific Islander, Native Hawaiian, or similar identities, and low-income students.

Being an AANAPISI means Mesa College can be a greater reflection of its students, their cultures, values, and life experiences. It is the belief at Mesa College that all students deserve to feel connected and safe on campus and have access to programs and services to help them successfully reach their goals.
