For more than a century, each of the colleges within the San Diego Community College District — San Diego City, Mesa, Miramar, and Continuing Education — has been the foundation for building a better future for the region. To keep up with an ever-evolving technological landscape, one that requires precise skills to prepare students to enter the modern workforce, the SDCCD Board of Trustees is considering putting forth a measure on the November 2024 ballot to make sure its colleges continue to be able to support the success of our students.
Over the past 18 years, since voters approved the SDCCD’s most recent bond, there have been major changes in how students are educated. The need for new technology and hands-on training spaces that are relevant to today’s job market and the burgeoning careers of tomorrow are critically important.
What do classrooms of tomorrow look like compared to what exists today? Does AI play
a role in the future of classrooms? These are questions the District’s colleges considered
as they developed plans for serving students for decades to come. What has emerged
is a vision that includes new learning spaces, labs, and community-serving facilities
— in many cases replacing antiquated facilities that are up to 50 years old.
As San Diego’s leading provider of workforce education — including training for first
responders, nurses, emergency medical technicians, and for careers in biotechnology,
cyber defense, and sustainability — the San Diego community and local economy depend
on the SDCCD to provide cutting-edge facilities and programs that respond to changing
industry needs. Currently the SDCCD has a total economic impact on the region of $4.5
billion — the equivalent of hosting 13 Super Bowls.
“Especially now, with the SDCCD offering bachelor’s degrees in health information management, cyber defense and security, and soon in public safety management, it’s important that we are teaching students in updated facilities that keep up with the modern workforce,” SDCCD Chancellor Gregory Smith said.
In addition to modernized classroom facilities, the SDCCD also recognizes the need for creating new affordable student housing to help address San Diego's housing shortage; creating new childcare facilities for student families; and for increasing the use of solar/renewable energy to reduce energy costs and benefit the environment.
The District has consistently maintained high ratings from Standard and Poor’s, Moody’s, and Fitch rating agencies for its management of existing bonded indebtedness. Through the Propositions S and N Citizens’ Oversight Committee, the District has worked to ensure transparency and accountability and to be good stewards of taxpayer funds through bond refinancing that saved taxpayers $340 million over the life of the most recent bond programs.
As the SDCCD Board of Trustees considers placing a bond measure on the November ballot, it will weigh the considerable need across the District and significant benefits to the region. The District encourages its friends and neighbors to learn more about Bond 2024.