“This budget balances our investment in providing access and equity in higher education for our communities with prudent financial management,” said SDCCD Chancellor Gregory Smith.
The district’s tentative budget represents a starting point for discussions of how it can best serve approximately 80,000 students at City, Mesa, Miramar, and Continuing Education colleges. The district’s enrollment has increased by 12 percent since last year.
The new fiscal year begins July 1. All California community colleges are required to adopt a tentative budget by June 30 and a final adopted budget by September 15 each fiscal year.
The tentative budget was developed through a collaborative process involving the district’s Board of Trustees, Chancellor Smith and the Chancellor’s Cabinet, the District Budget Planning and Development Council, the District Governance Council, and other individuals and groups representing the administration, faculty, classified professionals and student leadership at the colleges and the District office.
To protect against swings in the California budget, the district’s budget includes a 17% reserve, a policy the district’s Governing Board committed to in 2021. The Legislative Analyst’s Office is estimating a $45 billion deficit in the 2024-25 state budget.
“The district’s budget provides adequate funding to support operations at the colleges, while also recognizing the need for adequate reserves to address long-term and unanticipated obligations,” said Acting Vice Chancellor of Finance and Business Services, Nancy Lane.