About CurricUNET

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curriQUnet is an Internet-based software application designed to automate and enhance the development and approval of curriculum in a multi-campus District. Instructors utilize data entry screens to conduct course and program development online. These data entry screens are supported by diverse Help resources, such as Bloom's Taxonomy and TOP Codes.

An automated workflow process permits curriculum approvals by curriculum committees and administrators. An e-mail notification system notifies authorities when curriculum is in queue for their approval. Databases of course outlines and programs and tables of recognized approval authorities are integral to the operation of the system. Articulation and transfer to other educational institutions is facilitated by inclusion of courses required as preparation for majors.

The system permits tracking of curriculum proposals and provides status reports on demand. It serves as a repository for archival course outlines, as well as current ones; status reports reveal when programs and courses were last revised, permitting improved curriculum management by the District.

currIQunet is designed to link to college catalog and class schedule production systems to facilitate course descriptions being published as they are approved.

A Steering Committee governs modifications and updates to the system. Local Information Technology staff, members from Instructional Services, and currIQunet help implement the changes.