Faculty FAQs


Credit for prior learning (CPL) is credit awarded for validated college-level skills and knowledge gained outside of a college classroom—it’s a strategy to grant students credit for what they already know and can do. Across the nation, individual institutions and systems of higher education are implementing comprehensive CPL practices to help working adults reskill and achieve quality credentials that increase their economic mobility.

HOW is credit for prior learning defined in title 5?

On September 16, 2019, the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges approved a revision to Title 5, Section 55050 that redesigns how students at California Community Colleges receive credit for prior learning. The new regulation aims to make the process more consistent and equitable for students who come to community colleges with college-level skills and knowledge acquired in a variety of non-classroom settings. Faculty are the heart of CPL.  The nature and the content of the CPL assessment shall be determined solely by faculty in the discipline who normally teach the course for which credit it to be granted. Faculty shall determine the assessment adequately measures mastery of the course content as set forth in the official course outline of record.  Click here for more information. 

What are some benefits of cpl?

Research suggests that CPL benefits students and colleges by increasing completion and closing achievement gaps. In California, this means CPL can help the system achieve the goals outlined in the Vision for Success and increase college funding through improving measures on the Student Centered Funding Formula metrics.

CPL Research Source: CAEL Fueling the Race for Postsecondary Success

What is the SAN DIEGO CIty, mesa, and miramar college policy on credit for prior learning

Board Policy 5235 and Administrative Procedure 5235 Credit for Prior Learning is a great resource to learn more about the different methods of assessment that SDCCD accepts for Credit for Prior Learning. 

Faculty and staff interested in learning more about CPL and potential opportunities for students within your disciplines contact:


Campus Contacts  

City College: Angela Merkens amerkens@sdccd.edu  
                     Julius Alejandro jalejandro@sdccd.edu  

Mesa College: Tonya Whitfield  twhitfie@sdccd.edu 

Miramar College: Maryam Tartoussia mtartoussia@sdccd.edu  




Campus Contacts  

City College: Angela Merkens amerkens@sdccd.edu  
                     Julius Alejandro jalejandro@sdccd.edu  

Mesa College: Tonya Whitfield  twhitfie@sdccd.edu 

Miramar College: Maryam Tartoussia mtartoussia@sdccd.edu  



City College: David Kennemer dkennemer@sdccd.edu  

Mesa College: Tonya Whitfield  twhitfie@sdccd.edu  

Miramar College: Duane Short dshort@sdccd.edu  

Is there a cost to students for cpl

There is no cost for CPL.

What steps do i need to take to make my course cpl eligible?

Courses may be proposed and approved to be offered through CPL via the curriculum review and approval process.  Faculty interested in making their course CPL eligible contact


Campus Contacts  

City College: Angela Merkens amerkens@sdccd.edu 
                     Julius Alejandro jalejandro@sdccd.edu  

Mesa College: Tonya Whitfield  twhitfie@sdccd.edu 

Miramar College: Maryam Tartoussia mtartoussia@sdccd.edu  



City College: David Kennemer dkennemer@sdccd.edu  

Mesa College: Tonya Whitfield  twhitfie@sdccd.edu  

Miramar College: Duane Short dshort@sdccd.edu  

What is my next step to find out more about cpl and see if i qualify

For students interested in CPL, contact  Shelly L. Hess shess@sdccd.edu  to set up a CPL counseling appointment. Military students, follow the steps on the Veterans Services website to send your official military transcripts.  For faculty and staff interested in learning more about CPL and potential opportunities for students within your disciplines, contact 

Campus Contacts  

City College: Angela Merkens amerkens@sdccd.edu  
                     Julius Alejandro jalejandro@sdccd.edu  

Mesa College: Tonya Whitfield  twhitfie@sdccd.edu 

Miramar College: Maryam Tartoussia mtartoussia@sdccd.edu  



City College: David Kennemer dkennemer@sdccd.edu  

Mesa College: Tonya Whitfield  twhitfie@sdccd.edu  

Miramar College: Duane Short dshort@sdccd.edu  

what is map?  

Military Articulation Platform (MAP) is a cloud based system that matches college catalog information with American Council on Education recommendations for military credit with   college catalog information.  Once the matches are approved by faculty via the curriculum approval process, they are stored in MAP and offered as college credit to incoming veterans. Military Articulation Platform (MAP) is administered by the Riverside Community College District at the Norco College Veterans’ Resource Center. Twelve colleges of the Inland Empire Desert Regional SWP Consortium and Saddleback College completed phase 1 and 2 of the platform development and deployment.   San Diego City, Mesa, Miramar, and Continuing Education were selected to be part of the Phase 3 cohort. For more information contact  Shelly L. Hess shess@sdccd.edu

How do I add a course to the CPL List?  

do students need to be enrolled in a course at san diego city, mesa, or miramar college in order to petition for another course through Cpl? 

Students must be currently enrolled in one of the SDCCD colleges and in good standing or have previous academic history (previously earned credit or noncredit from one of the SDCCD Colleges).

how do students apply for cpl?

To begin, students should set up a CPL counseling appointment.  Once students have met with a counselor and determined their eligibility, course selections and methods of assessment for CPL, they should log into JIRA to complete the petition form.