Board Policies & Administrative Procedures

On this page:

District board policies and administrative procedures are divided into chapters and organized by subject area.

Board Policy (BP)

Board policy is the voice of the Board of Trustees and defines the general goals and acceptable practices for the operation of the District. It implements federal and state laws and regulations. The Board of Trustees, through policy, delegates authority to and through the Chancellor to administer the District. The Chancellor and District employees are responsible to reasonably interpret Board policy as well as other relevant laws and regulations that govern the District.

Administrative Procedure (AP)

Administrative procedures implement Board policy, laws, and regulations and are approved through the District's participatory governance process. They address how the general goals of the District are achieved and define operations of the District. They include details of policy implementation, responsibility, accountability, and standards of practice.  Procedures do not require Board of Trustees action.

Board Policies and Administrative Procedures

The San Diego Community College District's Board Policies and Administrative Procedures are currently being updated and renumbered to align with the Community College League of California's (CCLC) Policy and Procedure Service.  As current policies are revised and new policies are written, they will be approved by the governing board and posted to the web site.  During the revision process, there will be occasional duplication of numbers. Once the process is completed, any duplication in numbering will be eliminated.

A flowchart of the District's policy and procedure making and revision process can be found here.

For questions regarding policies and procedures, please contact Supervisor, Chancellor's Office Operations Amanda Ficken-Davis, who will refer you to the appropriate contact.  Email or call (619) 388-6957.