Employee Relations
The Employee Relations Team works with all staff, at all levels throughout the organization, assisting with collective bargaining issues and supporting performance management. The team represents the District in the collective bargaining process with employee bargaining units and unrepresented meet and confer groups. The Employee Relations Team assists administrators, managers, and supervisors with interpreting the employee handbooks and contracts, proactively educates administrative staff about all aspects of employment related contract compliance, and manages employee appeals to discipline. The Employee Relations Team implements and manages position classification, which is to maintain and administer fair and objective system(s) for classifying jobs in a manner that provides a sound foundation for all aspects of human resource administration.
Adjunct Faculty Priority of Assignment (POA)
AFT Local 1931 Faculty Collective Bargaining Agreement
Article 5.2.2 Priority of Assignment
Faculty Service Area (FSA) Application window period
ANNUALLY From October 15 - November 15
Please email completed packets to Employee Relations at EmployeeRelations@sdccd.edu
Faculty Service Area (FSA) Application Process
Faculty Service Area (FSA) Application Form
California Education Code Section §87743.1 - §87743.5
AFT-SDCCD Faculty Collective Bargaining Agreement, Article XXIII
Management Employees Handbook, Appendix I
District Procedure 4200.7 - Administrative Retreat Rights
Job Accommodation Process
Employee Request for Job Accomodation Form
Job Accomodation Form Instructions
District Classification Descriptions
Employee Relations contact information
Check here for current Office Hours
Phone: 619-388-6880
Fax: 619-388-6994
Email: EmployeeRelations@sdccd.edu
Aimee Gallagher
Associate Vice Chancellor, Employee Relations
Human Resources Employee / Labor Relations
Phone: 619-388-6880
Email: agallagher@sdccd.edu
Jeffrey Lumban
Senior Classification Technician
Classification / Position Management / Window Period Reviews
Phone: 619-388-6880
Email: jlumban@sdccd.edu
Nicrista-Jane Alfaro
Senior Human Resources Technician
Accommodation Requests
Phone: 619-388-6576
Email: nalfaro@sdccd.edu
Diana Ha
Human Resources Technician
Compensation Office
Phone: 619-388-6576
Email: dha@sdccd.edu
Johanna Palkowitz
EEO and Diversity Officer
Equal Employment Opportunity Office
Phone: 619-388-6591
Email: jpalkowi@sdccd.edu
Jhelen Ramirez
Senior Human Resources Technician
Professional Development
Phone: 619-388-6373
Email: jramirez001@sdccd.edu
Danielle Short
Labor Relations Analyst
Labor Relations / Performance Management
Phone: 619-388-6880
Email: dashort@sdccd.edu
Zenaida Cartwright
Labor Relations Analyst
Labor Relations / Performance Management
Phone: 619-388-6880
Email: zcartwright@sdccd.edu
Ruben Naungayan
Administrative Technician
Employee Relations
Phone: 619-388-6579
Email: rnaungay@sdccd.edu
Amber Eckert
Title IX Coordinator
Title IX Office
Phone: 619-388-6660
Email: aeckert@sdccd.edu
Eva Alford
Deputy Title IX Coordinator/Investigative Analyst
Title IX Office
Phone: 619-388-6660
Email: ealford@sdccd.edu