Title IX
Notice of Nondiscrimination(s)
The San Diego Community College District is committed to a safe and equitable learning environment for all students and employees. It does not discriminate on the basis of sex or gender in its educational programs and employment. Any incident, including sex discrimination or harassment, but not limited to, sexual assault including rape, dating violence, domestic violence or stalking committed on district property, or at a district sponsored event or activity, should be reported to the Title IX Coordinator immediately.
In addition, Title IX prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex stereotypes, sex characteristics, pregnancy or related conditions, sexual orientation, gender identity, parenting status, pregnancy, childbirth, termination of pregnancy, lactation, related medical conditions, or recovery. Pregnant persons may eligible for disability protection and accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Report an incident
Members of the District community can report sex or gender based offenses, including an incident of dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking, to law enforcement, to the District, to both, or to neither. A report does not need to be made by the victim of an incident, but may be made by a third party.
Please use the button above to report a sex or gender based offense to the Title IX Office, or refer below for additional information on your reporting options.
If you are in an emergency situation, please contact 9-1-1 for immediate assistance.
Additional support resources are available to students and employees, both on campus and within the community. Please visit our Get Help page for a list of these resources and contact information.
The Office for Civil Rights (OCR) in the U.S. Department of Education requires institutions to protect all students, including LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender) students under Title IX. San Diego City, Mesa and Miramar College and Continuing Education facilitate and foster an inclusive, affirming, inclusive, and celebratory environment for students, faculty, and staff, of all sexual and gender orientation, identities, and expressions. For more information and resources, visit our LGBTQ+ resources page.
Victim Services | Confidential Support Reporting Options | Help a Friend |
During this time of hybrid learning, we want to make sure students know what resources are still available to them. The confidential resources listed above are available to provide support. If students need support after 5pm or on weekends, they can contact Center for Community Solutions (CCS) 24-hour crisis hotline at 1-888-385-4657.
If your home life is unstable or dangerous, adhering to ever-changing quarantine mandates and social distancing policies might seem impossible. How can you try to stay safe and healthy in your household? SPEAK has crafted six questions to help guide your safety planning:
- Where in your home do you feel most safe? In stressful moments, try going to the place where you feel most safe. You can also bring something that comforts you, like headphones to listen to music or a soft blanket.
- When things get intense, how do you safely distract yourself or avoid the situation? It’s never your job to intervene if adults are fighting, and it’s never your fault.
- Who can you call or text if you feel unsafe? Even while social distancing, we can still talk with the people we trust. It’s okay to ask for emotional support or help with planning and responding to unsafe situations.
- What steps would you need to take to safely leave your home? You might be able to practice these steps by taking a short walk. While walking, you can think about how to leave your home safely in an emergency, and try to identify where you could go if you had to leave quickly.
- Is it possible to stay with another family member or friend during the next few weeks? Although we want to limit the number of people we interact with, it’s okay to stay inside with people other than your immediate family if needed.
- How safe do you feel at home? Your safety is the most important. If you are in danger, please call the CCS hotline at 1-888-385-4657. If there is an emergency, call your trusted emergency responder.
These questions are just the beginning for making your own safety plan. You can also talk to trusted family members about these questions and plan together. If you need more help, call the Center for Community Solutions' hotline at 188-385-4657 on weekends and evenings.