Economic Impact Report

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A recent study found that the San Diego Community College District has a $4.5 billion economic impact on San Diego County, with massive advantages to students, taxpayers and society from the education students receive at the district’s four colleges.

The study by Lightcast, a leading provider of economic and labor market data, found that the district’s economic impact is equivalent to the financial gains of holding 13 Super Bowls in San Diego. The results of the analysis were based on data from the 2021-2022 academic year.

The district’s $4.5 billion economic impact supports 42,121 jobs, or one of out of every 53 jobs in San Diego County, the report said. The district’s economic impact is reflected in the jobs that graduates attain in high-demand industries because of their education, the cost of running the institutions, and the costs of construction at the college campuses.

“This study confirms that our colleges not only enrich the lives of our students, but our overall economy also benefits by providing a steady flow of qualified, trained workers to the workplace,” said Acting Chancellor Gregory A. Smith. READ THE FULL STORY


Economic Impact Main Report 2023


Economic Impact Report Executive Summary 2023