Institutional Data and Reports

On this page:

This section of the Institutional Effectiveness and Research website contains reports showing enrollment and outcome data for key programs and student characteristics. Reports are organized under the following four areas:

Categorical, Special, and Grant Programs

  • Disability Support Programs and Services (DSPS): Term-based metrics about enrollment (headcount, duplicated enrollments) and outcomes (success rates, completion rates, GPA, units earned) for SDCCD DSPS students compared to students who did not receive DSPS. 
  • Promise
  • Career Technical Education (CTE): Reports produced in support of CTE program review and improvement. 


  • Factbooks: Annual metrics about enrollment (headcount) and outcomes (success rates, units earned, awards earned) districtwide for each SDCCD institution. 
  • Facts on File: High-level overview of data on key programs and student characteristics. Presents a cross-sectional view of SDCCD. 

Student Profiles

  • Student Profiles Dashboard: Term-based headcount data as of course census or end-of-term for students enrolled at the credit colleges or SDCCE, disaggregated by student demographic characteristics.
  • Districtwide Enrollment by Modality, disaggregated: Term-based duplicated enrollments by selected disaggregation across multiple terms; emphasis on showing changes in enrollment patterns by modality across terms. 

Post-secondary Engagement

  • CTE Articulation CBE, SDUSD: SDUSD students earning college credit for high school CTE coursework. 
  • High School Pipeline: Enrollment patterns between high schools in the SDCCD service area and the SDCCD credit colleges.
  • Re-enrollment and Subsequent Outcomes: The rate of re-enrollment and college outcomes for former SDCCD special admit students. 
  • Special Admit Report: Access, outcome, and disproportionate impact data for SDCCD special admit students. 
  • SDUSD-SDCCD Joint Board Scorecard: High-level summary of access and outcome data for post-secondary engagement programs overseen by the SDUSD-SDCCD Joint Board. 
  • SDCCD Special Admit FTES Allocation, 2022-23: Ad-hoc memo detailing the additional apportionment revenue generated by special admit students enrolled at San Diego City, Mesa, and Miramar Colleges.  

This reporting includes information on instructional and non-instructional programs. These reports are used for college-level program review, student learning outcomes and assessment, learning community evaluations, and special or grant funded program evaluations.