Civic Engagement

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The San Diego Community College District encourages vibrant civic engagement.

Civic engagement encompasses a variety of activities that are aimed at addressing issues of public concern. Participation in civic duties can appear in a number of ways including volunteering, contacting local officials, and engaging in leadership roles within the community.  Civic engagement that is respectful enriches the experiences of student life and the San Diego Community College District. With this understanding, we believe that the free exchange of ideas is the best way to learn from and inform each other. As an institution of higher learning, the San Diego Community College District must protect the ability to participate in the exchange of ideas, even those that are controversial and distressing.

SDCCD community members are encouraged to voice their concerns, ideas, and opinions through participation in civic engagement.

Student Engagement Programs

Voting information

Exercise your right to vote, learn about the history and future of voting rights, and hold your representatives accountable!  Get started with these simple resources:

Democracy on Campus

Encourage your fellow students and faculty to get out the vote with these helpful assets:

Free Speech Policies and Guidelines

Free Speech Policies & Guidelines are available for all campuses:

City College

Mesa College

Miramar College

College of CE

The following are SDCCD Board Policies (BP) and Administrative Procedures (AP) relating to free speech:

Also see, Disability Rights, Responsibilities, and Academic Accommodations


There are many avenues for students to get involved and be of service to the San Diego community.  The best way to begin is by aligning your interests and passions to a local project that is already in motion.  Follow the links below for ideas: