How to Register for SDCCD Zoom Workshops

On this page:

To engage in the professional development opportunities provided by SDCCD Online Learning Pathways, we've implemented a workshop registration system enabling you to benefit from all available workshops to hone your skills and knowledge in the world on distance education.

The following guides will show you how to register for a Zoom Workshop and how to add this workshop to your Outlook Calendar.

If you need further assistance or help with flex for OLP workshops. Please reach out to the Mary Kingsely (

    1. Navigate to the SDCCD Faculty Training page
      screenshot of the sdccd faculty training page
    2. Scroll down to locate the Professional Development Calendar. This will contain all of the scheduled workshops and office hours offered by the SDCCD Online Learning Pathways Department.
      Next you will click on the workshop that you are interested in registering for.
      Screenshot of the SDCCD Professional Development Calendar
    3. After clicking on the workshop, a new window will appear that will provide you with the workshop/event details. In order to register for the workshop/event please click on the Registration Link.
      a screenshot of the workshop event information
    4. You will be taken to a new tab in your browser and will need to enter in your basic information to register for the workshop/event. It is very important that you register with your Faculty SDCCD Email Address.
      Screenshot of the workshop registration form.
    5. After entering your information you can click on the Register button and an automated email containing the Zoom link and workshop/event details will be sent to your email address.
      A screenshot of the workshop registration form with an arrow pointing to the register button.
    6. A confirmation page will also inform you that you have successfully registered for the workshop/event.
      A screenshot of the confirmation notification after registering for the workshop/event


After registering for your workshop/event you will receive an email notification to the email address you used to register:
A screenshot of  the registration email with numbers pointing to each section.

  1. In your SDCCD Email inbox you will find the automated email that will contain your workshop/event information.
  2. The workshop/event title and meeting information will be provided.
  3. Should you want to add this workshop to your Outlook or Google calendars you can click on those links.
  4. You will be able to join the Zoom workshop/event by clicking on the link to the meeting.

How to add the workshop to your calendar

  1. After clicking on the "Add to Calendar (.isc) or "Add to Google Calendar" you will be able to add the event to your calendar.
  2. If you clicked on "Add to Calendar (.isc) this will prompt your browser to download the Outlook Calendar Event.
    A screenshot of the Outlook calendar event downloaded to your browser
  3. After you click on download it will open an Outlook Appointment that will automatically be generated with all of the workshop/event details. To finalize adding this event to your Outlook Calendar click on the "Save & Close" button.
    A screenshot of the workshop event being added to your Outlook calendar
  4. If you chose to add this event via "Add to Google Calendar", this will open a new tab in your browser and will prompt you to add the event to your Google Calendar. Click on the "Save" button to finalize adding this event to your Google Calendar.
    A screenshot of the Google Calendar event being added.