For any technical issues or troubleshooting regarding Canvas, the SDCCD Online Learning Pathways has compiled these resources to assist you in getting the support you need:
Contact Canvas Directly:
For technical assistance, the Canvas helpdesk staff are standing by 24/7 to assist you via:
Instant chat or by phone: 844-612-7422
For assistance with the SDCCD Campus Solutions you can visit their support page or contact their helpdesk:
Need Assistance with the MySDCCD Portal?
If you would like to contact the mySDCCD Support Desk for assistance with the faculty/student portal you can submit a help desk ticket.
Please note, that Canvas related issues cannot be assisted by the IT Help Desk or the mySDCCD Support Desk.
Please use the information provided in the first section above for any Canvas related issues.
- Distance Education Handbook
- SDCCD DE Toolkit
- Online Zoom Training Calendar
- Register for the SDCCD Online Faculty Certification Program
- Student Code of Conduct for Online Classes
- Student Code of Conduct and Disciplinary Actions
- Quality Assurance for DE at the SDCCD
- Accessibility Resources and Tools
- Social Presence for Online Instruction
- Canvas Training for On-Campus Faculty
- SDCCD Copyright Guidelines
- Sample Course Syllabus
- SDCCD Pre-Semester Checklist
- Software Available for SDCCD Faculty
- Learn more about Regular and Substantive Interaction (RSI)
If you would like to contribute a tutorial, learning object, or other instructional content to the site, please reach out to the Online Learning Pathways Instructional Design Supervisor, Liesl Boswell ( Our goal is to create a repository for online faculty to contribute resources to be shared and re-used by other online faculty.