Institutional Data, Outcomes & Survey Reports

On this page:

This page contains reports and dashboard links for most of the research produced by the Office of Institutional Effectiveness and Research (OIER).

  • For institutional information describing overall enrollment trends across the San Diego Community College District, see SDCCD Facts
  • For more detailed program-level data, student outcomes, and student profiles, see Institutional Data & Outcome Reports
  • For reports about surveys conducted by (OIER), see Survey Reports


The Office of Institutional Effectiveness and Reseach (OIER) produces a number of reports with baseline statistics about the number of students enrolled across the district and the overall outcomes of those students. Additionally, the OIER also reports on Student Centered Funding Formula (SCFF) metrics and has developed reporting tools to provide transparency around funding-related MIS uploads for categorical programs. 

High-level overview of data on key programs and student characteristics. Presents a cross-sectional view of SDCCD. 

2023/24 Edition | 2022/23 Edition | 2021/22 Edition | 2020/21 Edition | 2019/20 Edition | 2018/19 Edition

Annual metrics about enrollment (headcount) and outcomes (success rates, units earned, awards earned) districtwide for each SDCCD institution. Institutional Data & Outcome Reports


College Headcount Success (Coming Soon) Degrees (Coming Soon)
District Headcount Units Earned
(Coming Soon)
Degree by Units Earned (Coming Soon)

College Headcount Success Degrees
District Headcount Units Earned Degree by Units Earned

Information about funding rates and allocation amounts for SDCCD FTES and success metrics, from 2019-20 to 2022-23. 


Supports verification of accurate MIS uploads to statewide data system.

Dashboard Created Update Frequency
SD - Disability Support Programs and Services (DSPS) 12/14/2023 MIS data - once a term; Internal data - daily
Upcoming Dashboards Created Update Frequency
SY - Credit for Prior Learning (CPL) TBD TBD
SD - Extended Opportunity Programs and Services (EOPS) TBD TBD


Institutional Data & Outcome Reports

This reporting includes information on instructional and non-instructional programs. These reports are used for college-level program review, student learning outcomes and assessment, learning community evaluations, and special or grant funded program evaluations.

Term-based metrics about enrollment (headcount, duplicated enrollments) and outcomes (success rates, completion rates, GPA, units earned) for SDCCD DSPS students compared to students who did not receive DSPS. 

2023/24 | 2022/23 | 2021/22 | 2020/21 | 2019/20

Headcount and outcome data for the San Diego Promise Program, which provies tuition assistance, academic advising, and other supports to first-time to college students enrolled at the credit colleges.

2020-21, Report | 2018-19, Briefing | 2018-19, Report

Reports produced in support of CTE program review and improvement. 

CTE Articulation Credit-by-Exam, SDCCE

2023-24 (Coming Soon) 2022-23 2021-22
Report Report Report
Summary Summary Summary

CTE Biennial Report

2023 2021

Term-based duplicated enrollments by selected disaggregation across multiple terms; emphasis on showing changes in enrollment patterns by modality across terms. 

The Transition Online Dashboard (Updated Weekly)

SDUSD students earning college credit for high school CTE coursework. Published each year in November.

2023-24 2022-23 2021-22 2020-21 2019-20

SDUSD students who earned college credit for high school CTE coursework and then enrolled at SDCCD as college students. Published in odd-numbered years in March.

2025 (Coming March 2025) | 2023

Enrollment patterns between high schools in the SDCCD service area and the SDCCD credit colleges. Published each year in the fall.

2023-24 | 2022-23

High School Pipeline Supplemental Worksheets: Enrollment patterns between high schools in the SDCCD service area and each credit college. Published as part of the full report. Most recent year's worksheets available below.

2023-24 City Mesa Miramar
2022-23 City Mesa Miramar


The rate of re-enrollment and college outcomes for former SDCCD special admit students. Published in fall in even-numbered years.

2023-24 Report (Coming Spring 2025) Summary (Coming Spring 2025) Presentation (Coming Spring 2025)
2021-22 Report Summary Presentation

Access, outcome, and disproportionate impact data for SDCCD special admit students. Published in fall. 

2023-24 2022-23 2021-22 2020-21 2019-20

High-level summary of access and outcome data for post-secondary engagement programs overseen by the SDUSD-SDCCD Joint Board. Published annually for the SDUSD-SDCCD Joint Board meeting in March. 

(Coming March 2025)
2022-23 2021-22

Ad-hoc memo detailing the additional apportionment revenue generated by special admit students enrolled at San Diego City, Mesa, and Miramar Colleges.  

Additional reports, dashboards, tools, and presentations are made available throughout the year to members of the SDUSD-SDCCD Joint Board. Contact Stephen Bass ( for additional resources.


Awards Conferred

This dashboard includes data about the number of degrees and certificates awarded at SDCCD by academic year. Data is duplicated; one student earning two awards is counted twice. Several levels of aggregation are provided for awards, and data is disaggregatable by ethnicity, gender, and age. 


The SDCCD Transfer report matches enrollment data from the SDCCD information system to National Student Clearninghouse (NSC) post-secondary enrollment data to provide information about the number of former SDCCD students. 

The SDCCD Transfer report is currently being revised to better align to regional and statewide transfer criteria (as of Summer 2024). 



The Distance Education Report provides information about enrollments, student outcomes, and equity gaps at the credit colleges by modality and academic year. The Distance Education Report is published annually at the beginning of the Fall semester. 

2023-24 | 2022-23 | 2021-22 | 2020-21


Fall 2023



Survey Reports

Contains reports about surveys conducted by OIER that respond to the diverse needs and interests of the SDCCD constituencies, and the District communities. The reports provide information for program and service evaluations, planning and improvement efforts and accountability and grant writing.

The Wisconsin HOPE Lab conducts basic needs surveys for post-secondary institutions across the United States. Student survey data regarding housing insecurity and food security is available for each of the SDCCD colleges below. 

2018 City Mesa Miramar College SDCCE

Title IX requires colleges to provide equal opportunities for male and female students to participate in collegiate athletics. To ensure compliance with this requirement, SDCCD applicant responses to CCCApply items regarding interest in collegiate athletics are analyzed to assess interest by gender (male or female). In the reports below, these responses are disaggregated by sports that are offered to male and female athletes to ensure student interest in each sport is represented in athletic offerings. 

2023 City Mesa Miramar
2022 City Mesa Miramar
2021 City Mesa Miramar
2020 City Mesa Miramar
2019 City Mesa Miramar
2018 City Mesa Miramar

All students enrolled online and all faculty teaching online at SDCCD are surveyed each Fall to provide information about course modality preference, access to and use of support services, use of Open Educational Resources (OER), and student and faculty experience with technology (learning management systems, course software, AI, etc). The briefings below include analysis of this data. 

Fall 2024
(Coming Soon)

Fall 2023 Fall 2021
(Zero Textbook Cost/Open Educational Resources)