Board of Trustees
The San Diego Community College District is governed by its five-member, locally elected Board of Trustees and a student board member. The five trustees are elected in even-numbered years to four-year terms by the voters of San Diego. Trustee candidates first run in district-only elections. The top two vote-getters in each district move on to the general election. See a map of trustee district boundaries.
Read the January 16, 2025 Board Report
Meet the Board
Geysil Arroyo, Mariah Jameson, Marichu G. Magaña, Craig Milgrim, Dr. Maria Nieto Senour
The public can view meetings live on the Board of Trustees' YouTube Channel.
Student Trustees
Four students (one from each college) serve a one year term filling the student trustee position on a rotating basis. The sitting student trustee has an advisory vote on the Board.
The four student trustees for fall 2024 are Dalia Ramirez (City College), Zora Williams (Mesa College), Hailey Hua (Miramar College), and Haydee Zuniga (College of Continuing Education).
The Chancellor, the district's chief executive officer, is responsible for carrying out policies approved by the Board of Trustees.
Communicating with the Board
The Board is sincerely interested in the views of students, faculty, staff and members of the public on matters affecting community colleges and continuing education in San Diego. Before bringing concerns to the Board, you are encouraged to discuss the matter with the president or dean of the college or continuing education campus involved, or the appropriate administrator at the District Office.
Correspondence to the Board of Trustees may be sent to the following address: SDCCD Board of Trustees, 3375 Camino del Rio South, San Diego, CA 92108-3883. Copies of your letter will be sent to each board member.
You may also write to individual board members. These letters are not circulated to the entire board unless requested by the Board member. Click on individual names above for trustee areas and contact information.
Board Meetings
Public meetings of the Board of Trustees include opportunities for members of the public to address the Board. Regular business meetings are generally held on the second and fourth Thursdays of each month, beginning at 4 p.m., unless otherwise specified on the posted agenda. Board meetings are generally held at the District Office (Charles W. Patrick Building), 3375 Camino del Rio South, Suites 235-245, San Diego, CA, 92108, unless otherwise specified on the posted agenda. Meetings are also held periodically throughout the year at each of the colleges. Special meetings may be called to discuss a limited topic.
The current schedule of regular Board meetings is posted at the District Office and also available online. An agenda containing a brief description of each item of business is posted at the District Office and on the District's website 72 hours before regular meetings and 24 hours before special meetings. Please visit the Board of Trustees agenda page for the current Board meeting agenda and archived agendas and minutes. You may also contact the Board of Trustees office at 619-388-6957.
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, the San Diego Community College District will make every effort to honor requests for reasonable accommodations made by individuals with disabilities. If you need an accommodation, please call 72 hours prior to the scheduled meeting. 619-388-6983 or email at [ADA TITLE II, SEC. 202. 42 USC 12132]
Participatory governance activities involve faculty, students and staff in the development of solutions to key policy and budget issues.
Find out more about the Mission of the District.