Career Education and Workforce Development
CTE Transitions Credit by Exam - High School to College and Noncredit to College Course to Course Articulation Credit by Exam
Fax: 619-388-6523
Suite 125
3375 Camino Del Rio South
San Diego, CA 92108-3883
Amertah E. Perman, Dean, Career Education and Workforce Development
Chantaya Robinson, Administrative Assistant, Career Education & Workforce Development
- department Phone: 619-388-6573
Cloris Johnson, Career Education Transitions Program Support Technician
- Primary focus areas:High school to college and noncredit to college course-to-course articulation credit by exam agreements
- CTE Transitions Articulation Credit by Exam Phone: 619-388-6572
Vacant, Districtwide Childcare Compliance Officer
- Primary focus areas: State Contract Compliance for Child Development Centers
Noah Lacsina, Administrative Technician
- Primary focus: Career Services: Work-Based Learning and SG21 reporting, Handshake (Districtwide Job Board); Career Events; Work Experience
Shawn Fawcett, Districtwide Faculty Work Experience Coordinator
- Primary Focus: Districtwide Work Experience Coordination
Department Overview -Committees, Workgroups, and Areas of Responsibility