K12 to College Pathways & Partnerships

On this page:

The San Diego Community College District (SDCCD) and The San Diego Unified School District (SDUSD) hold a joint board meeting where Joint Board Goals are set. These goals inform the work of the SDUSD/SDCCD Joint Partnership Commitee and Joint Partnership Workgroup.

This is a resource page for SDCCD institutions and SDUSD partners engaged in joint partnership efforts

The SDUSD/SDCCD Joint Partnership

Committed to co-creating an effective model for closing equity gaps from access to outcomes.

Founded on:

  1. Equitable Access
  2. Data Informed Student Centered Interventions
  3. Career Planning Before Education Planning
  4. Student Success = Career Success

6th grade to transfer and career success

Committee Commitments

  • Equity Minded - a joint commitment to Black, Latinx, & Indigenous Student Success
  • Customized Outreach - a joint commitment to tailored parent and student outreach by career pathway and high school community
  • Pathways to Success - a joint commitment to designing pathways for student success and meaningful career readiness
  • Focus on Outcomes - a joint commitment to equitable outcomes and closing the gaps in student success
  • Meaningful Structure - a joint commitment to supporting the work through investment in a supportive structure, consistency, and communication

Committee Structure

Joint Partnership Committee

Each year, the San Diego Unified School District (SDUSD) and the San Diego Community College District (SDCCD) Boards of Trustees get together for a joint board meeting. During this meeting, joint partnership goals and annual areas of focus are identified. This Committee is responsible for ensuring goals are addressed throughout the year and addressing any emergent opportunities for partnership. 

Schedule: Meets last Wednesday of every month 3:30 to 5 p.m.
Participants: Vice Presidents of Student Services & Instructional Services from the four colleges and SDUSD leads.

Joint Partnership Workgroup

This is a sub-group of the SDUSD/SDCCP Joint Partnership Committee. The goal of this workgroup is to be a more hands-on group for moving the Joint Board Goals forward. Representation may shift as the group focuses on different priority projects. 

Schedule: Meets second Monday of every month 12:30 to 2:30 
Participants: SDUSD CCTE Office CBE and CCAP leads; Credit College CCAP Leads and outreach

Joint Board Presentations

Post-secondary Engagement Score Card

Committee & Workgroup Meetings

Joint Partnership Workgroup 

The 2021-2022 primary focus of the workgroup is on CCAP process improvements and data engagement. This work includes process mapping, clarification and alignment of requirements and parent/student communication, behind the scenes data exchange and reporting, administrative procedures (enrollment, grade reports, rosters, communication, etc.), and pathway planning - with the goal of increasing intentional pathway planning at the local high school site level. 

2022-23 Meeting Agendas

2021-22 Meeting Agendas