Bond 2024 | Measure HH


A student in full protective medical gear puts a tray into a machine
An instructor uses puppets to entertaing a group of children sitting on the floor
Two students at a work station in a guitar making class
A fire academy student in yellow fire gear uses a fire hose at the training site at Miramar College
A welding student is wearing a welding mask and using a torch

For nearly 20 years, the San Diego Community College District (SDCCD) has demonstrated a commitment to honor the trust given by voters to efficiently and effectively manage the Propositions S and N bond programs, resulting in a history of “clean” audits, high bond ratings, and impressive bond transparency performance scores awarded by the San Diego County Taxpayers Association.

The District completed all bond projects as committed to the voters, plus some additional projects as approved by the SDCCD Board of Trustees. Unfortunately, not all District facilities were covered by these bonds, leading to aging structures in need of repairs or replacements. To address these issues and build on the successful investment of past bonds, on July 11, 2024, the Board of Trustees unanimously agreed to place a $3.5-billion bond measure on the November 5, 2024 ballot. If approved by San Diego voters, Measure HH would address immediate and future facilities and infrastructure needs across the District.

Measure HH has earned the support of the San Diego County Taxpayers Association, noting that SDCCD has demonstrated facilities needs and has developed plans that meet the Association's rigorous standards for bond proposals.

As San Diego's leading institution for job training – including for first responders, nurses, emergency medical technicians, and, increasingly, for careers in biotechnology, cyber defense, and sustainability fields – SDCCD must continue to provide leading-edge academic and career training facilities and technologies required to be responsive to continuously changing industry and workforce needs.

Many of today’s sought-after positions did not exist a decade ago. The demands of a quickly evolving global economy expose the growing need for new facilities to house advanced job training and educational programs and ensure that SDCCD stays at the forefront of industry needs.

With an eye on student success, each of our colleges has developed a comprehensive Facility Strategic Plan that advances priorities outlined for academic and career training facilities, safety and accessibility upgrades, energy-related improvements, and facilities designed to help mitigate some of the barriers to educational access and success our students increasingly face, such as affordable student housing and childcare. These plans have been used to prioritize projects to be included Measure HH.


Prioritized Projects

A close up of a construction hat and blue prints on a table

Community Benefits Agreement

A closeup of two people shaking hands

Tax Implications

Tax forms on a table

Tasks and Timeline

An hourglass on top of a paper calendar

Informational Resources

A person typing on a laptop. Hologram pop up images show a graduation cap, a computer screen, a human brain and a lightbulb


San Diego Community College District 
3375 Camino del Rio South, Suite 310 
San Diego, CA 92108 
Office: 619-388-6546 

Joel Peterson 
Vice Chancellor, Operations, Enterprise Services, and Facilities 
Executive Operations Officer 

Craig Milgrim 
Board Trustee, District C 
Board of Trustees Facilities and Sustainability Subcommittee 

Bernie Rhinerson 
Trustee, District B 
Board of Trustees Facilities and Sustainability Subcommittee