Tuition & Fees
Enrollment Fee
The enrollment fee is $46.00 per unit.
The enrollment fee is charged to all students who enroll in college credit classes. Non-resident students are charged an additional per unit fee.
Exemptions from the enrollment fee are available to students who qualify for one of the following:
- California College Promise Grant (CCPG)
- Temporary Assistance to Needy Families Program (TANF)
- Supplemental Security Income/State Supplementary Program (SSI)
- General Assistance Program
- Indentured apprentices are exempt from enrollment fee for Apprenticeship Program classes only
- Special admission concurrently enrolled high school students enrolled in 11 units or less
Additional Financial Aid may be available to students who qualify for assistance.
See Financial Aid for more information.
Bachelor's Fee
Students enrolled in bachelor’s degree classes are charged an additional $84.00 per unit Bachelor’s fee.
Nonresident Tuition
- Through Summer 2024 the nonresident tuition fee is $331 per unit.
- Starting Fall 2024 the nonresident tuition fee is $356 per unit.
- This fee is in addition to the enrollment fee, for students who are not residents of California for tuition purposes.
Residency for Tuition Purposes
To qualify as a California resident, you must verify physical presence in California and intent to become a resident one year prior to the residency determination date (the day before classes begin for a new term).
- The one-year period begins when you are not only present in California, but also have demonstrated clear intent to become a resident of California.
- The burden of proof is on the student, to verify both physical presence in California and intent to make California your residence.
View the Student Residency Classification document for the list of acceptable documents and other information necessary for establishing residency.
Contact the Admissions Office on your campus for additional information.
City College Admissions
Office A-241
Mesa College Admissions
Office I4-102
Miramar College Admissions
Office K-207
Nonresident Tuition Exemptions
Education Code section 68075.6 grants an exemption to nonresident tuition for Special Immigrant Visa (SIV) holders and refugee students who settled in California after entering the United States. This exemption is granted for one year from the date the student settled in California upon entering the United States.
This exemption applies to the following:
Please contact the college Residency Office for additional information:
City College Residency
Mesa College Residency
Miramar College Residency
California Dream Act(AB540)
Assembly Bill 540 (AB-540) and related legislation refers to California state laws granting students who meet certain criteria an exemption from paying nonresident tuition.
Students eligible under AB540 are encouraged to complete the California Dream Act Application
Campus Support for Dreamers
City College SUBIR Dreamer Resource Center
Mesa College Borderless Scholars
Miramar College Dreamers Support Services
Health Fee
The health services fee is $21 per semester for fall and spring, and $17 for the summer session.
All students are assessed a mandatory fee for Health Services and accident insurance, whether or not they choose to use the Health Services available to them.
The following students are exempt from the health services fee:
- Students who meet the income standards for the California College Promise Grant (CCPG) - A only
- Students attending apprenticeship classes under an approved Apprenticeship Program
- Students who depend on prayer for healing, in accordance with the teachings of a bona fide religious sect, denomination, or organization. To apply for an exemption, contact the Admissions Office
- Special Admission high school students enrolled in college classes on the high school campus (CCAP)
Student Representation Fee
$2 per semester
All students are assessed a mandatory $2.00 student representation fee per semester. This fee is expended equally to support the: (1) Student Senate of California Community Colleges (SSCCC) and (2) Student advocacy efforts to federal, state and local governments.
To opt out of student representation fee
Students have the right to refuse to pay the fee for religious, moral, political, or financial reasons. This fee may be cancelled through mySDCCD student portal. In “My Finances” click “Account Inquiry.” Click on Account Services tab, then click “Opt Out of Student Rep Fee/Fin Aid Authorization.” Click the “Grant Permissions” button. Click “Next,” check “Yes I have read the agreement,” then “Submit.”
Detailed Instructions to opt out of Student Rep fee
Additional Fees
Parking Fee
This fee is required of all students who park on campus at the following rates:
- Auto Permits $40.00 Fall and Spring ($25 if eligible for financial aid)
$29.00 Summer - Motorcycle Permits $17.50
- Carpool Permits $30.00
See College Police for information on parking.
Students receiving public assistance, or who are determined eligible for financial aid based on income standards may purchase an automobile parking permit for $25. Contact the Financial Aid Office on campus for eligibility determination.
Associated Students (AS) Membership
$8 per academic year.
The Associated Students are the center of campus involvement, connection and service, to enrich the experience of the entire student body. Membership in the Associated Students allows you to support campus clubs and organizations, create campus-wide activities and events, and advocate for student issues on local, statewide and national levels.
Benefits of membership include:
- Free student planner
- One free transcript
- Free scantrons
- Free or discounted admission to all AS sponsored events
- AS scholarship opportunities
- And more...
Transcript of Record
The first two transcripts issued are free of charge. All subsequent orders are $5.00 per transcript. All coursework completed at San Diego City, Mesa, and Miramar College, is included on one transcript. There is no need to request a transcript form each (City, Mesa, Miramar) college.
Please see the TRANSCRIPTS page for specific information on how to order your official transcript and view your unofficial transcript.
Instructional Materials Fee/Other Special Fees
This additional fee is required of students enrolled in certain courses. Courses may carry a nominal fee for instructional materials or other special fees provided to students throughout the semester.
Loss or damage of equipment or books
Cost of Materials
Returned Check Fee - A $25 fee will be assessed for any returned check(s)
The college reserves the right to revoke check writing privileges.
All fees are subject to change.
Books and Supplies
Students are expected to buy all books and supplies needed for their courses. Certain occupational programs may require additional expenditures for tools and/or uniforms.
zero cost digital materials 
Courses that exclusively use digital course materials are free of charge to students and therefore are not required to be purchased. Note that there may be a low-cost option for print versions of digital materials. Digital materials include, but are not limited to: course materials, modules, textbooks, streaming videos, tests, software and any other tools, materials, or techniques used to support access to knowledge. The class schedule will have this icon next to classes that offer zero cost digital materials.
Forms of Payment
All fees must be paid in full by the date indicated under the Finances tab on mySDCCD.
Fees may be paid by credit card (Visa or MasterCard), check, money order, cashier's check or students may sign up for a Payment Plan in mySDCCD. A cancelled check or credit card statement will serve as a receipt.
If paying by check or credit card, students may be administratively dropped if payment is not cleared by the bank; however this will not relieve the student's financial liability to the college.
If fees are being paid by a third party (e.g., tuition assistance, State Department of Rehabilitation, employer sponsorship programs, scholarships, etc.), the student must contact the college Student Accounting Office to process paperwork and complete registration prior to the due date provided at the time of registration.
payment plans
Payment Plans allow students to pay their fees in monthly installments and avoid a registration hold for unpaid fees.
We offer Payment Plans for past due balances from Fall 2024 or earlier, as well as Payment Plans for the upcoming enrollment term, Spring 2025.
- Note: Students using veterans benefits or who have anticipated aid for the term should not enroll in a Payment Plan.
- Payment Plans are not available to international students or students enrolled in a prior Payment Plan that is in delinquent status.
- Payment Plans are by term. There is a non-refundable $25 enrollment fee for each plan.
- If you choose to enroll in a Payment Plan for a past-due amount as well as a plan for Spring 2025, you will be assessed the enrollment fee twice, once for each of the plans.
- For Spring 2025 Payment Plans, the last payment installment is scheduled before the next term’s registration period. A registration hold, preventing future enrollment, will be placed on student accounts with an unpaid payment plan balance remaining after the final installment date has passed.
- Students on a Payment Plan are required to contact the Student Accounting Office to purchase a parking permit (students with a balance on their account cannot purchase a permit online).
- Payment Plans will recalculate the payment amounts under the following actions. These updates may not be in real time, and may take up to 1 business day to be reflected in your plan balance.
- When a class is added, dropped or cancelled
- When new charges are added
- When a payment is applied
- Adding classes after signing up for a Payment Plan: If the next payment installment is due within 10 days, there will not be an increase to that next installment. The additional amount will be equally distributed across the remaining installments.
- Dropping classes after signing up for a Payment Plan: If charges are reduced, all future installments with be adjusted accordingly, regardless of when the next installment is due.
- If fees on the Payment Plan are not paid by the final installment date, a hold will be placed on the student’s account preventing future enrollment.
For questions about payment processing, call Nelnet support at 800.609.8056.
City College Accounting Office
Office A-256
Mesa College Accounting Office
Office I4-106
Miramar College Accounting Office
Office K-205
Fees will be refunded to students who reduce their program in accordance with the following schedule:
- Refunds for fall and spring primary (16-week session) is Friday of the second week
- Refund deadlines for all other classes are located in the class search under the calendar icon ('Important Deadlines')
- See Dates and Deadlines for how to view the refund deadline for each of your classes.
- No refund is given for classes dropped after the published deadline.
- Refund deadlines do not always sync with drop deadlines for the class.
Additional guidelines:
- Refunds will be processed after the add/drop deadline.
- Students with a valid address on file and who do not have an outstanding financial obligation to the district will receive a refund in the mail or credit to their credit card.
- For payments by check, there is a five week waiting period for checks to clear the bank before refunds will be processed.
- Students who are administratively dropped when a Petition to Challenge is denied will receive a full refund of the class(es) petitioned.
- Students who are academically disqualified and administratively dropped will receive a full refund.
- Students who have paid in full and subsequently received a California College Promise Grant (CCPG) will receive refund of enrollment fees. Student Health Services fees are not waived for financial aid students.
For more information, contact the Accounting Office on campus.
Tuition Statement – 1098-T Tax Form
The 1098-T tax form is a Tuition Statement provided by higher education institutions to all eligible students who pay enrollment fees (including non-resident tuition) during the calendar year. The 1098-T tax form may be used by students or parents to claim the American opportunity tax credit (formerly "Hope credit") or Lifetime Learning Credit on their federal income tax returns.
The IRS has postponed various tax deadlines for residents of San Diego County. Refer to this announcement to see if you qualify.
San Diego area residents who were impacted by severe storms and flooding may apply for federal assistance here or call 800-621-FEMA (3362), or using the FEMA app.
More information on the 1098-T Tax Form; 1-800-829-1040.