Districtwide Strategic Plan
2023-2030 Districtwide Strategic plan
The Districtwide Strategic Plan 2023-2030 serves as a living document for sustained, continuous quality improvement initiatives that facilitate the District’s efficiency and effectiveness in achieving its mission, improving service delivery and operations, and promoting better-informed decisions for resource management.
The strategic planning process is a collaborative and comprehensive mechanism that promotes the development of a document that is assessed annually and evaluated for alignment and appropriateness in achieving the District’s mission.
The San Diego Community College District (SDCCD) operates with the goal to help strengthen San Diego’s economy. The SDCCD is always searching for innovative paths for collaborating with the public and private sectors to bolster the region’s growing economic engine.
As the SDCCD looks to the future with this strategic plan, the District has defined five overarching goals in the broad areas below that will allow it to advance its ambitious mission.
- Pathway to Completion
- Institutional Effectiveness and Innovation
- Community Collaboration
- Fiscal Stewardship
- Leader in Sustainability
Pathway to Completion
Optimize and enhance student access, equity, inclusiveness, learning, and success through exemplary instructional services, support services, and effective practices.
- Implement the San Diego Promise initiative to complement the California Promise initiative to increase college access, affordability and completion.
- Strategically manage student enrollment through outreach and broad access to programs, courses, and services.
- Enhance student and academic support services strategies that better serve a more diverse community.
- Implement assessment and placement practices that are effective and provide equitable access to transfer level English and math courses.
- Ensure that districtwide enrollment management strategies are equitable and based upon the core priorities of student need, access, and success.
- Ensure accountability through active and continuous access to and analysis of data on student persistence and success, leading to completion of student educational goals.
Institutional Effectiveness and Innovation
Strengthen institutional effectiveness through integrated planning, innovation, internal collaboration, professional development, continuous processes, and systems improvement.
- Strive to align organizational business and systems processes through integrated planning and collaboration for greater effectiveness and accountability in achieving student learning and administrative outcomes.
- Improve multi-directional communication and active engagement of all stakeholders in systems improvement and responsiveness to business and community needs.
- Expand the continuum of professional development opportunities for all faculty, staff, and administrators to integrate equity perspectives and respond to evolving student, business and community needs, as well as measures of student success.
- Support the development of innovative approaches, leveraging technology, as appropriate, to expand learning, teaching, delivery, and student support.
Community Collaboration
Enhance collaborations with the communities served by the District for increased responsiveness to their needs and for improving San Diego’s vibrant economy.
- Advance diversity, inclusiveness, equity, and social justice through internal and external communication, collaboration, and practices.
- Strengthen and actively develop articulation and pathways between credit, noncredit, K-12, universities, business, and the communities served.
- Maintain active engagement and partnerships with business and industry to develop solutions for workforce preparation.
- Broaden and strengthen diversity and equity through outreach efforts and community service.
Fiscal Stewardship
Ensure fiscal solvency through sound fiscal planning, management, and the pursuit of alternate sources of revenue.
- Maintain a balanced districtwide budget that aligns with state and other revenue allocations and that is integrated with planning.
- Sustain an annual cash reserve of a minimum of 5% of general operating funds in addition to maintaining other reserves as appropriate.
- Continue to strengthen internal controls districtwide to ensure annual audits meet federal and state compliance and mandate requirements.
- Increase districtwide advocacy efforts for improved state budgets at the state level in support of institutional effectiveness and student success.
- Evaluate systems districtwide and create best practices to facilitate accessible, effective, and equitable institutional systems and tools related to fiscal matters.
- Pursue alternative sources of revenue beyond the state revenue allocation to include leasing of surplus property in order to provide a continuous revenue stream for maintenance and operations of District facilities.
Leader in Sustainability
Lead in Sustainable Policies and Practices.
- Encourage and champion District governance policies and practices that promote and reinforce principles of sustainability.
- Support districtwide leadership, advocacy, and stewardship efforts on campus, across the curricula, in the classroom, and in the community.
- Continue to incorporate consideration of the environment, community welfare, and future impacts on all infrastructure, operations, and maintenance plans.
- Continue to develop and incorporate sustainability content across the curricula.