Canvas Accessibility Dashboard

Canvas Accessibility Dashboard

What is the Accessibility Dashboard?

Course-Level Accessibility Information

Alongside the Pope Tech Accessibility Guide at the page level, course-level Accessibility Dashboards are also available within Canvas. The dashboards provide a comprehensive report of errors and alerts across your entire Canvas account. This tool can provide information to assist you in prioritizing which pages require attention and the sequence in which to address them.

Canvas instructors have two types of dashboards.

  • The course dashboards, which has accessibility data for each individual course.
  • The My Dashboard, which has accessibility data for all courses an instructor has access to. 

    Each of these dashboard types has widgets to help see where accessibility issues are and take you right to where you can fix them. 

In this article, you’ll learn how to access each of these dashboards and how to use their widgets:

Access individual dashboards

  1. In the global navigation, select Courses.
  2. Select a course.
  3. In the course navigation menu, select Accessibility Dashboard.

screenshot showing location of course dashboard

You are now on that course’s dashboard.

Individual course dashboard widgets

There are three widgets on the individual course dashboard. Let’s go over each:


The overview widget tells you how many errors and alerts are in the course.

screenshot of overview dialouge

  • Select errors or alerts. This will pull up all the errors or alerts in this course.
  • Select Details >> for the error or alert you want to focus on.
  • Select Details >> again.
  • Select Edit for the content block you want to edit. This takes you to the Accessibility Guide, so you can fix the issue.

Most common issues

The most common issues widget shows the errors and alerts that happen the most.

screenshot of common issues dialouge

  • Select the Errors or Alerts tab to switch between the most common errors and alerts.
  • Select one of the most common errors or alerts. This takes you to a list of content blocks with that issue.
  • Select Edit to go straight to the Accessibility Guide to edit that content block.

Content blocks

The content blocks widget breaks down how many errors and alerts are in each content block in the course. A content block can be a page, syllabus, quiz, assignment, or discussion.

Screenshot of content blocks dialouge

  • Optional: Change the filters and select Apply.
  • Select Details >> for the content block to see its accessibility results, or select Edit to go straight to the Accessibility Guide to edit that content block.

Access My Dashboard

Access data for all your courses by selecting My Dashboard in the top navigation.

screenshot of my dashboard

All courses dashboard widgets

Access data for all your courses by selecting My Dashboard in the top navigation.

screenshot of results per course

All Courses Dashboard Widgets

The all-courses dashboard has four widgets. Let’s review each of them:

Results per Course

Drill down by a specific error or alert, and view the number of courses you have access to.

  • Select errors or alerts.
  • Optional: Filter by term or course.
  • Select Details >> for the specific error or alert.
  • Select Details >> for the specific course.
  • Select Edit to go straight to the Accessibility Guide to edit that content block.

Most Common Issues

The most common issues widget shows the errors and alerts that happen the most in all the courses you have access to.

  • Select one of the most common errors or alerts.
  • Select Details >> for the specific course.
  • Select Edit to go straight to the Accessibility Guide to edit that content block.

Content Types

Review how many PDFs, YouTube videos, and Excel Sheets there are across all courses in the content types widget.

  • Select the PDF, YouTube, or Excel Sheet content type.
  • Select Details >> for the specific course.
  • Select Edit to go straight to the Accessibility Guide to edit that content block.


The Courses widget is a list of all the courses you have edit access to.

  • Select Details >> for the specific course to go to that course’s dashboard.
  • From the course’s dashboard, review how many errors and alerts there are, the most common issues, and each content block in the course.
  • Select Details >> for the content block to see its accessibility results, or select Edit to go straight to the Accessibility Guide to edit that content block.